Archive: » 2012 » August » 18

How to create a Gallery

*Since the release of WordPress Version 3.5 the method of adding media files has changed a little. Mostly, the user-interface has been modified and causes some confusion. We have created some additional (updated) tutorials that will help. WordPress 3.5 - How to create Galleries with Shortcodes. WordPress 3.5 - How to create Galleries with Page Templates. In our original release of KingSize WordPress, galleries were restricted to pages only and this hampered some of our buyers flexibility - for that we apologize. In our latest release, version 4, we've created a new post type custom to the galleries...


How to create a Blog

Greetings & Salutations! Creating a blog page couldn't be any easier and following these steps you should walk through the process with no troubles at all. First log into your WordPress Dashboard. Now go to "Pages" and create a new page. Once inside pages, give your page a title such as "Blog". To the right of the content area, find "Page Attributes". From the drop-down, select the "Blog Template". Once the blog template is selected, hit "Publish". Now that's it. You've created a "Blog" page. This page template you've selected called "Blog" is designed to pull ALL 'posts' into the blog...